When I initiated this campaign for the United States House of Representatives from the 4th Congressional District, I said that it would be important to educate the public about Tom Latham’s voting record. Unless the public knows how Tom Latham votes, it will be difficult for them to see the distinction between him and me.

So, in my effort to educate the public, I am launching this segment entitled “Just the Facts.” Each week I will post one new fact about Tom Latham and me. These will be just facts, not opinions. I shall leave it to the readers to draw their own opinion.
If you would like to make a comment or have a conversation about any of these facts, please visit my Facebook page.

~ Bill

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Week #10: Iowa Republican Party Platform 2010

Fact:  In the October 12th Maske-Latham Debate aired on KGLO Radio, Bill Maske asked Tom Latham the following question, “Do you agree with the Iowa Republican Party Platform?”

Fact:  Tom Latham responded by saying he agreed with the Iowa Republican Party Platform with the exception of the call for eliminating the Department of Agriculture.  He said it was important to keep the Department of Agriculture in place.

Fact:  In his rebuttal, Bill Maske said, “So, based on your response, you agree with all other aspects of the Iowa Republican Party Platform?”

Fact:  Tom Latham said he agreed with the substance of that document.

Fact:  The Iowa Republican Party Platform contains the following:
  • Supports Term Limits of 12 years per office
  • The proper role of government is to protect equal rights, not to ensure equality.
  • Opposes the “Bullying” Law
  • Oppose unconstitutional “Hate” Crimes Laws
  • Oppose teaching multicultural based curriculum
  • Oppose duplication of educational programs for bilingual consideration
  • Support deportation of undocumented workers
  • Oppose the Dream Act
  • Support repealing sexual orientation in the Iowa Civil Rights Code
  • Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency
  • Believe that claims of human caused global warming are based on fraudulent, inaccurate information and that legislation and policy based on this information is detrimental to the well being of the United States. 
  • Oppose restrictions on Carbon Emissions
  • Abolish the United Nations
  • Support the continued use of Guantanamo Prison
  • Abolish the Federal Reserve System
  • Supports profiling
  • Supports electronic surveillance
  • Abolish Health Care Reform
  • Repeal all mandatory minimum wage laws
  • Abolish the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
  • Abolish the Department of Energy
  • Abolish the Internal Revenue Service
  • Eliminate the State and Federal Department of Education
  • Oppose earmarks and “Pork Barreling”
  • Support reinstatement of the original 13th Amendment
  • We believe that the term “assault weapon” should not be used as a term applicable to a semiautomatic weapon. 
Fact:  Tom Latham signed the Contract with America in 1994 calling for term limits of 12 years.  Now he agrees with the Iowa Republican Party Platform on term limits for 12 years.  Yet, he seeks a 9th term which would give him 18 years in the House.
Fact:  Tom Latham agrees with the Iowa Republican Party Platform on earmarks and “Pork Barreling,” yet few members of the House of Representatives are more involved in earmarks and “Pork Barreling” than Tom Latham.
Fact:  He supports the reinstatement of the original 13th Amendment which basically says that government officials are not for sale, yet, he accepts hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from Political Action Committees.  Check it out at www.opensecrets.org.
Fact:  Bill Maske finds almost all of the provisions of the Iowa Republican Party Platform to be radical and dangerous to the health and well being of our nation and its citizens.